Agencies such as the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, and the Department of Commerce now rely on a resume system known as Resumix to aid in the hiring process. The implementation of this system was done to help ease the recruitment process on both the recruit and the recruiter side. A Resumix resume is much different than that of a traditional resume in regards to the layout as the resume will later be scanned instead of reviewed by a person and the scanning software will only be looking for certain keywords and phrases.

Resumix resumes are submitted online and kept in a database regardless of whether or not they contain the proper information. However, if you do submit a Resumix resume that is not properly formatted it will never see the light of day or be reviewed.

To take advantage of the Resumix program you need to use an online resume builder to submit your information and thus create a Resumix resume. This process actually eliminates the need for KSAs to be submitted in some, but not all, circumstances. The nice thing about having your Resumix resume stored is that you can apply for multiple positions using the same resume by utilizing a self-nomination process.

Resumix will automatically match the skills you have listed with the skills that are required form a certain posting so it is of utmost importance that your Resumix contains all the relevant information and keywords. For this reason it is best to spell out certain skills and don’t get too simple or complex with any verbiage.

Now here’s the trick; you have to write your Resumix resume so that it will first catch the attention of the computer scanning software, but it must also be written so that a person can understand it. This is because the Resumix system only eliminates human interaction at the first level and once a resume is flagged for review, it is an actual person who will be conducting the review before an interview is granted. This can be easier said than done, but fortunately there are a number of services online today that offer Resumix resume help.

Obtaining help from a professional may be a route you want to consider as you will want to make sure that you have a well written resume that can appeal to the scanning software and the reviewer as well, but more than that there are certain rules for Resumix resumes depending on what agency you wish to apply for. For example the Navy Resumix will allow you to submit five pages, but the Army Resumix will only allow you to submit three. Here again, if you don’t do it right, you don’t stand a chance.

While it was designed to both streamline and ease the hiring process, Resumix can be somewhat confusing. Working with a professional Resumix resume writer can help you to ensure that the resume you submit will not only be accepted, but also viewed; hopefully multiple times.

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