5 Reasons You Lost Your Personal Injury Case
You were sure the circumstances of your car accident were solidly in your favor. Your friends and family agreed. Everyone said your personal injury case was a slam-dunk win for you. So why did you lose?
Every case is unique and comes with their outcomes as well. As such, there are a few common reasons why the given cases have failed, along with a few key takeaways on how to avoid these pitfalls in the future.
Why You Lost Your Case?
Here are some of the top reasons why a claim might not produce the results you were hoping for:
You do not have to hire an attorney. You can represent yourself. Yet there are a multitude of forms and processes you must wade through if you file a lawsuit. An attorney can guarantee that the proper procedures were completed, and to assert your rights
- Lack of credibility: There may have been inconsistencies with what you said and did that gave the other side an opportunity to discredit your integrity.
- Weak evidence: Negligence claims have to be supported by good evidence which cannot easily be torn down by the defense.
- Judgment lapses: Were you posting pictures when you were swimming on social media when you should’ve rested your injured shoulder? This form of evidence will kill your injury claim.
- Poor preparation: Your cases should be organized and presented in a strategic manner. You need to highlight the strengths of your case, anticipate objections, and show how you might respond to these; downplay the weakness. If you fail to do this, you are giving ammunition to the other side to shoot you with.
Can I Reopen a Personal Injury Claim in California?
A settlement agreement is open until you sign it. This presents the possibility of going down a new legal route. For example, if you have found that faulty equipment contributed to your accident, you are free to continue litigating the case.
How You Can Win Your Personal Injury Case in the Future?
Even if you cannot pursue more legal action in your case, you will learn what to do if you are unfortunate enough to have to file a personal injury claim one day.
After an accident, it is always advised that you visit a doctor. You should visit a doctor as a means of confirming that you get the right treatment. This also allows a link between your accident and injuries to be made.
This article was written by Alla Tenina. Alla is one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Los Angeles California, and the founder of Tenina Law. She has experience in bankruptcies, real estate planning, and complex tax matters. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This website contains links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; the ABA and its members do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites.