What if My Rental Car is Defective and it Caused Me a Serious Injury?

If you are involved in a car accident caused by a defective rental car, you have legal rights. Call the office of Bednarz Law directly today to learn more.
Being able to rent a vehicle when on vacation or on a trip for business is a huge convenience. Indeed, in a single year alone, the car rental industry achieved overall revenues of $28.1 billion. Rental cars are a wonderful utility that add to ease of travel when away from home.
When most people use a rental car, they expect the rental car to function well and be in tip-top condition. Unfortunately, that’s not always the reality. In some cases, rental cars are defective and dangerous. If you have been in an accident with a defective rental car and have suffered harm, our experienced lawyers at the office of Bednarz Law can help. Call today to learn more about your rights.
Examples of Vehicle Defects
A vehicle defect could lead to a crash or result in more severe injuries if a crash were to occur. Common examples of vehicle defects include:
- Defective brakes—defective braking systems can lead to deadly accidents.
- Defective airbags—airbags that don’t deploy properly could result in severe injuries if a crash occurs.
- Defective seatbelts—when any part of a seatbelt fails, it puts that passenger, as well as others in the vehicle, at risk of injury.
- Defective steering components—which could cause a major accident.
- Defective tires—tire tread separation and other defects could lead to a blowout that causes a serious accident.
The above list of defects is by no means conclusive; any part of a vehicle could be defective if defectively manufactured or designed.
Who is Liable for an Injury Caused by a Serious Defect?
If you have been involved in a rental car accident and you believe that a rental car defect caused the accident or/and contributed to your injuries, the first thing that you’ll need to do is gather evidence to prove this. If you can prove that a defect did indeed exist, liability for the accident could fall on:
- The rental car company if it knew or should have known of the defect yet rented the car regardless;
- The vehicle manufacturer responsible for the defect; or
- Anyone else along the supply or distribution chain whose negligence caused the defect or resulted in the defect going uncorrected.
How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help Me?
When you work with a car accident attorney, your attorney will be responsible for advocating for you. In a vehicle defect claim, this means working with vehicle design professionals and other experts to identify and prove a defect, as well as determine liability for the case. Your attorney will also be responsible for providing the extent of your damages and negotiating your settlement.
Call Bednarz Law Today for a Free Consultation
If you have been involved in a rental car accident and you believe that a vehicle defect was involved, do not hesitate to seek legal representation. At the office of Bednarz Law, our car accident lawyers offer free consultations and always work on a contingency fee basis. Call us today to get started.