January 13, 2025


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What Services Do Personal Injury Lawyers Typically Provide?

What Do Personal Injury Lawyers Do? - Penney & Associates - Personal Injury  Lawyers

An attorney who understands your situation is essential if you wish to receive compensation for the injuries you have suffered. These services include investigating the accident and assessing the other parties’ liability and damages. You may also want to negotiate a contingency fee.

Investigating The Accident

One of the first steps of a personal injury lawsuit involves investigating the accident. This process begins when the client hires an attorney. The attorney will interview the client, ascertain the cause of the accident, and document the extent of injuries. They will also obtain photographs of the accident site and medical records. The attorney may also enlist the services of other experts. In more complex cases, this investigation process may be lengthy. The priority after an accident is to ensure the well-being of everyone involved. Once the injured party is stable, the next step is to collect evidence and information. This information will be necessary to the liability insurance company, the other driver’s insurance company, the hospital’s administration, and the victim’s boss.

Evaluating The Other Parties’ Liability

One of the main services a personal injury attorney such as a Denver personal injury attorney is evaluating the other party’s liability. While this may seem simple, it’s one of the trickiest parts of a personal injury case. An attorney must conduct legal research to prove liability and evaluate each party’s negligence. They will also examine the medical bills, hospital records, doctor’s reports, rehabilitation reports, and other evidence. They will also speak with the injured party to learn about the extent of pain and suffering.

Evaluating The Damages

One of the standard services of a personal injury lawyer is to evaluate the damages that you have sustained. The number of damages you are entitled to depends on two main variables: the severity of your injuries and the amount of insurance coverage the defendant has. Generally, you will be entitled to a larger compensation award if you suffer a severe injury. The amount of insurance coverage the defendant has will also determine the maximum compensation that can be awarded. Economic damages may be used to compensate the victim for lost wages, medical expenses, and household services. They may also include lost earning capacity and vocational rehabilitation. Appeals courts often examine the total amount of medical expenses to determine whether the damages are fair.

Negotiating A Contingency Fee

When you hire a personal injury attorney on a contingency fee basis, you are not paying the attorney anything upfront. Instead, you pay them a certain percentage of the financial compensation you receive. Typically, this percentage ranges between thirty-three percent and forty-three percent of the total award. The percentage may vary based on the type of case. For example, a case that requires extensive legal work and involves several parties may require a higher percentage. In addition, the geographical area may also impact the percentage that an attorney charges. Another advantage to hiring a lawyer on a contingency fee is that it provides immediate access to legal representation. If a client is unsatisfied with an initial settlement, the attorney can recommend rejecting it and seeking higher compensation. Alternatively, the attorney may agree to file a personal injury lawsuit to pressure an insurer for more money.